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A digital audit is a customised report that we should all embrace as it gives us the opportunity to comprehensively improve the design of our website and digital content.
That dreaded word “Millennials”, also known as Generation Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and previous to Generation Z. The alphabet is out of letters after that so who knows what’s coming next!?
Millennials were born between 1981-1996, now aged from 22 to 37 years old.
They have been labelled as self-entitled, lazy, narcissistic, money hungry and addicted to social media. Do you agree?
Videos currently play a powerful role in marketing and advertising. Conveying information over the internet has never been easier.
The aim of using video in digital marketing is to capture the attention of web users. However, video recording, editing, and uploading on the web does not guarantee the expected exposure and response without a proper strategy.
85% of all internet users in the USA watch videos and its use in advertising is rising day by day. But have you been uploading videos and they’re not working for you? Then, the following are the things you should do to increase your video effectiveness
Each social media platform has a unique way of adding value to your business, by getting the word out there and providing your business with the opportunity to grow and target a worldwide audience!
If your business became an active member of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or YouTube, do you realise how many people you could be engaging with?
There are currently 3.48 billion social media users today, in 2019. This has grown by 288 million since only last year! Of course there’s a difference between being active and just having a “presence” online.
One of the most popular phrases we are getting lately in both tenders and requests from our clients is a “1 minute video”. This time stipulation is something which absolutely fascinates me and seems to have become very trendy in the past year, but is actually quite unproductive for a number of reasons. In its simplest form, we as publishers on digital platforms are not broadcasters, we are not restricted to time or length like most commissioned television productions are, so why are we so hung up on the idea of 1 minute videos?
The average age for watching a Viral Video is now 27. If your target audience is aged 18-34, then it is extremely important that you consider including Viral Videos in your online marketing strategy.
Did you know that women account for nearly 57% of viral video views, and share videos 30% more than men?
So what makes an Online Video become a Viral Video? Well it's about making a statement that's worth sharing. People love to watch a funny clip online or something that pulls at their heartstrings. But unless you're a charity or raising funds for a serious health condition, my advice is to keep your viral video upbeat, dynamic and fun! You need your business to stand out from your competitors.
Do you manage your time wisely? Let’s be honest, it’s not easy when you’re trying to keep so many plates spinning.
Focus on the most important areas of your business and then demarcate the least important elements of your business to allow others to manage some of that workload for you.
Certainly one of the most time-consuming efforts for any small business, is trying to effectively and actively run their Social Media Channels. By outsourcing a professional Social Media Management team will allow you to save time to carry out more important areas of your business while they keep you actively growing online by creating daily social postings.
The year 2020 is right around the corner! For many of us futuristic thinkers this gives us the chance to get ahead of our competitors before the next year rapidly approaches.
By tapping into the most modern innovations, along with the trusted traditional marketing techniques such as video, you will immediately be ahead of the game.
Here are our thoughts on some of the big marketing trends coming your way next year..
To begin I know that if you happen to be in the category of so-called Millennials or Generation Z, that will only give me approximately 8 to 12 seconds to communicate as effectively as possible.